The DIMIDE 1/4 Series Clamp Kickstarter Campaign Preview

We will be launching the DIMIDE 1/4 Series Clamp on Kickstarter on July 14th in order to help make it a reality and to give backers the opportunity to provide feedback on the final product prior to production. Our goal with the DIMIDE 1/4 Series Clamp is to make high-quality, impact compatible, and modular clamps affordable.
Learn more about the DIMIDE 1/4 Series Clamp
Why Back The Kickstarter
Voice Your Opinion
Although the DIMIDE 1/4 Series Clamp's Design is nearly finalized, as a backer, you will be able to give feedback and recommendation on the design and peripherals. You will also be able to vote on the priority that we launch peripherals in. Even if we do not launch all the peripherals during the Campaign, any peripheral that doesn't launch will be launched later on our website with the priority that votes demand.
Earn Free Add-ons
If we meet at least one stretch goal, each backer will select and receive a free unlocked peripheral. Backers will also receive a Kickstarter exclusive DIMIDE sticker to show off their role in making the DIMIDE 1/4 Series Clamp a reality.
Get It First
We are committed to fulfilling all Kickstarter rewards prior to fulfilling orders on any other platform. That means backers will receive their clamps well before anyone else.
Back It Within The First 24 Hours And Save
Back the Dimide 1/4 Series Kickstarter Campaign within the first 24 hours to get the biggest savings on your clamps as well as any peripherals that get unlocked during the campaign.
Focus on Superior Products, Not Short Term Profits
Backing the DIMIDE 1/4 Series Clamp campaign on Kickstarter will allow us to launch the clamp and potentially peripherals without investor money so that we can focus on delivery an exceptional product at an affordable rate instead of worry about short term profits.
What is the Kickstarter Goal?
Our goal is to raise $10,000 so that we can pay the minimum amount to launch the DIMIDE 1/4 Series Clamp. If we raise beyond this amount and hit some stretch goals, additional add-on peripherals will become available for backers.
When Can I Back It?
The DIMIDE 1/4 Series Clamp Kickstarter Campaign will go live on July 14th, signup to our email list to keep up to date on when you can back it!
This Sounds Cool, But How Much Does It Cost?
Not only have we been working on making the DIMIDE 1/4 Series Clamp the best clamp out there, we have also been working to make it affordable. This has required a massive design for manufacturing and engineering optimization effort to deliver performance without any extra material, while using only the best and most scalable manufacturing methods.
This effort has paid off and allowed us to offer following affordable Kickstarter reward pricing.
Early Bird Backers - FREE Shipping (USA)
Backers will have access to FREE Shipping within the USA within the first 24 hours of the campaign launch. There will be a limited number of Free Shipping rewards so become a backer Fast before they run out!

*Additional Reward tiers as well as package deals may be added to the campaign.
DIMIDE 1/4 Series Clamp Stretch Goals
Manufacturing high quality clamps isn't cheap, however it becomes a lot more affordable with scale. In order to pass savings onto backers we offer stretch goals. As the volume keeps increasing so do the rewards the backers get.
As we hit stretch goals new peripherals will be unlocked and become available based on the priority that backers vote at that time. As long as at least one stretch goal is met, backers will be able to select one unlocked peripheral to be included for free with each clamp they order.
What Are These Stretch Goals?
Our stretch goals are not purely based on money as it typical of Kickstarter Campaigns. Instead, our stretch goals are based on a variety of goals.
What Will Unlock?
Whichever tier 1 peripheral has the most votes at the time that a stretch goal is reached will unlock.
Where Are The Other Peripherals?
Due to the increase cost of tier 2 peripherals, we are unable to include them for free. However, backers will still be able to vote for Tier 2 peripherals to guide the priority that they become available for purchase on our website.
How You Can Help!
We need your help to make the DIMIDE 1/4 Series Clamp a reality. You can follow the campaign on Kickstarter prior to it launching which will notify you as soon as the campaign launches.
Have Any Questions or Comments?
Don't hesitate to reach out to us. Email us at